Beste lezer,
Veel bedrijven die ik ooit op mijn blog besprak kwamen de voorbije weken met cijfers. Bijgaand wat korte (en langere) besprekingen van de cijfers en hier en daar van hoogtepunten uit de earnings calls. Melexis, Copart, Novo Nordisk komen later met cijfers. Bespreking Levi Strauss staat afzonderlijk op de blog. Mastercard publiceert op het moment van schrijven zijn cijfers. En die lijken op het eerste zicht goed.
Meta Q2/2023

26 juli: Meta, beat and raise! Nabeurs +10%.
Adverteerders schroeven de advertentiebudgetten geleidelijk aan weer op. Maar ze zijn voorzichtig en kiezen voor de veilige opties zoals Meta en Alphabet die een bewezen staat van dienst hebben en het grootste bereik opleveren.
Omzet groeide met 11% naar $31,99 miljard (analistenverwachting Refinitiv lag op $31,12 miljard). 12% omzetgroei zonder effect van wisselkoersen. Kosten stegen 10%. Operationele marge stabiel op 29%. EPS groeide 21% naar $2,98 (lager effectief belastingtarief), verwachting was $2,91.
Dagelijkse actieve gebruikers (DAP) van één van de apps (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp) steeg met 7% (jaar-over-jaar) tot een record van 3,07 miljard. Maandelijkse actieve gebruikers (MAP) steeg met 6% tot een record van 3,88 miljard gebruikers.
De gebruikers van Facebook worden ook afzonderlijk gerapporteerd. DAP +6% naar 2,06 miljard. MAP +3% naar 3,03 miljard.
Ad impressions (hoe vaak een advertentie werd bekeken) steeg 34% en de gemiddelde prijs per advertentie daalde 16%.
Verlies Reality Labs (Metaverse) $3,7 miljard in het tweede kwartaal. Meta verwacht dat de verliezen nog zullen toenemen in 2024 aangezien ze verder zal investeren in AR en VR. De afdeling verloor meer dan $40 miljard sinds 2021. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO: “We remain fully committed to the Metaverse vision”. Zuckerberg gaf in de call aan dat de focus op de korte termijn op AI zal liggen, op lange termijn op de metaverse.
Capex 6,35 miljard, $793 miljoen aandeleninkopen, FCF $11 miljard, cash en beleggingen $53,45 miljard.
AI aanbevolen content op Facebook van accounts die je niet volgt is nu de snelst groeiende categorie op Facebook Feed en zorgde voor een toename van 7% tijd doorgebracht op het platform.
Reels gaat hard. Inmiddels 200 miljard views per dag. Begint ook op te leveren. Vorige herfst nog zo’n $3 miljard dollar omzet uit Reels, inmiddels $10 miljard. Bijna alle adverteerders gebruiken inmiddels een van Meta’s AI gedreven producten.
Susan Li, CFO, tijdens earnings call: "However, we continue to expect time on Reels will monetize at a lower rate than Stories and Feed for the foreseeable future since people scroll more slowly through video content."
De 200 miljoen Whatsapp Business gebruikers kunnen nu ‘click-to-whatsapp’ advertenties creëren zonder dat de consument een FB of Instagram account nodig heeft.
Zuckerberg: "We continue to see strong engagement across our apps and we have the most exciting roadmap I've seen in a while with Llama 2, Threads, Reels, new AI products in the pipeline, and the launch of Quest 3 this fall."
Outlook voor volgend kwartaal werd naar boven bijgesteld. Omzet verwacht tussen $32 miljard en $34,5 miljard, waar door analisten gerekend werd op $31,1 miljard.
Totale kosten zullen in 2023 tussen $88 en $91 miljard liggen, eerder rekende het management nog op 86 tot 90 miljard. Te wijten aan juridische kosten die werden geboekt in het tweede kwartaal.
Capex worden geschat op $27 tot $30 miljard in 2023. Lager dan de eerder gecommuniceerde $30 tot $33 miljard in 2023 lager uit te komen dan eerder geraamd. Maar die worden vooral doorgeschoven naar 2024. Door stevige (AI gerelateerde) investeringen (datacenters en servers) zullen de kosten dan flink toenemen.
Zuckerberg over capex: “The other major budget point that we're working through is what's the right level of AI CapEx is to support our roadmap. Since we don't know how quickly our new AI products will grow, we may not have a clear handle on this until later in the year.”
Tot slot nog enkele zaken uit de earnings call, voor de liefhebber:
Over Threads:
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO: “On Threads briefly, I'm quite optimistic about our trajectory here. We saw unprecedented growth out-of-the-gate. And more importantly, we're seeing more people coming back daily than I'd expected. And now we're focused on retention and improving the basics. And then after that, we'll focus on growing the community to the scale that we think is going to be possible. Only after that we are going to focus on monetization. We've run this playbook many times before with Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Stories, Reels and more. And this is as good of a start as we could have hoped for. So I'm really happy with the path that we're on here.”
Over ‘year of efficiency’:
Zuckerberg: “Now that we've gotten through the major layoffs, the rest of 2023 will be about creating stability for employees, removing barriers that slow us down, introducing new AI-powered tools to speed us up and so on. Over the next few months, we're going to start planning for 2024 and I'm going to be focused on continuing to run the company as lean as possible after these cultural reasons, even though our financial results have improved. I expect that we're still going to hire in key areas, but newly budgeted headcount growth is going to be relatively low.”
Over hoe Zuckerberg zijn tijd besteedt:
Analist: “Mark, things move quickly, like a month ago, we weren't talking about Reels, a quarter ago we were talking about Llama, start of the year we were barely talking about AI. If you think back to kind of just how you are prioritizing your time at the start of the year and kind of where you are today and how that kind of changed? Would love to just get some color on kind of the changing priorities and really where you're spending your time.”
Zuckerberg: “I actually think our priorities have been pretty consistent for a few years now. I think the way that people hear that might be different. But, for example, last year, I think we were getting quite a bit of critique for the volume of AI CapEx spending that we were doing and now, obviously, people want to understand where that's going and where we think that trajectory is going and want to make it as efficient as possible. But I think at this point, it's more well-understood that that -- I think that was a good investment and it's driving results in the near term and enabling us to build some of the new experiences that I think we all think are pretty fundamental.
I don't think Reels is new, although maybe even Threads when you said that. Threads, I would say, it's not that -- Thread is like -- it's not a massive project. It was -- I thought for a while that the opportunity around public conversations and kind of a text-based product was bigger than what had been executed yet in the markets, so we had a relatively small team work on that. And this year, I think there have been two things that have been -- that have just vastly exceeded my expectations, one was Llama. The initial model we thought it was interesting, but the scale of adoption, even just for the research version really spurred us to go do Llama 2 and that was vastly more than we expected.
And the second is, Threads has been dramatically more than we expected in terms of the adoption and the rate of that. We thought this was going to be kind of a project that we just -- we had a small team working on for a while, but it really kind of blew up and created a big opportunity immediately. But no, I mean, I think over-time you should expect that we're going to focus on AI and the Metaverse. AI includes both all of the ranking and recommendation systems that power the core apps, so all the content that you're seeing in Facebook and Instagram, all the ads content that you're seeing, it also underpins all the safety systems that we build and increasingly it's all the generative AI stuff. So, all the agents, all the generative features that we're going to be rolling out and a lot of the other work that's going under license, the efficiency stuff that we're doing internally. And then the Metaverse stuff I think we've talked about for a while.
So I don't think there's much change there except that it's sort of signals that we're getting from the market are it certainly not getting adopted a lot faster than we expected. That's sort of the somewhat sobering signal, but on the other side, I think a lot of companies that otherwise are doing, we respect and do great work. We don't necessarily view is building things that are ahead of where we are, which gives us confidence that we think the long-term thesis still will hold there. We think that we're going to be the leaders in it and nothing that we're seeing from the market makes us rethink that in a fundamental way. So, I think we're going to continue focusing on AI in the Metaverse as the two big thrust of what we're doing and all the other things kind of fall out of that."
Ter afsluiting heb ik een vraag van een analist en het antwoord van Zuckerberg laten samenvatten door AI (Google Bard! 😊)
Question: How do you think about the ROI of Reality Labs, both as a standalone business and as a complement to the Family of Apps?
Answer: I think the ROI of Reality Labs will be both direct and indirect.
Directly, Reality Labs will generate revenue from hardware sales, software sales, and advertising. Indirectly, Reality Labs will unlock new value for the Family of Apps by enabling new features and experiences.
I understand that this is a long-term bet, and I can't guarantee that it will be successful.
However, I believe that the metaverse is the future of computing, and I'm confident that Reality Labs will play a key role in building it.
Here are some additional details from the answer:
Zuckerberg said that he believes Reality Labs will eventually become a "large business" in its own right. He also said that he believes Reality Labs will unlock a lot of value for the Family of Apps, such as by enabling new ways for people to connect and collaborate.
Zuckerberg acknowledged that this is a long-term bet, but he said that he is confident that it will be successful.
Overall, Zuckerberg's answer suggests that he is very bullish on the future of Reality Labs. He believes that it has the potential to be a major driver of growth for Meta, and he is willing to make a significant investment in it in order to realize that potential.
Eerdere updates en analyses Meta:
Alphabet Q2/2023

25 juli: Puike cijfers bij #Alphabet. Boven verwachting, zowel omzet als EPS. Nabeurs +6%.
- Omzetgroei (jaar over jaar) 9% valutaneutraal naar $74,6 miljard. Er werd op $72,82 gerekend door analisten.
- Operationele marge steeg naar 29% (28% in 2022). - EPS groeide met 19% tot $1,44. Er werd gerekend op $1,34.
- FCF van $21,8 miljard. Capex $6,8 miljard vooral servercapaciteit en AI-computing. - $118 miljard in cash en beleggingen.
Inmiddels worden 15 producten van Alphabet gebruikt door een half miljard mensen en 6 producten door meer dan 2 miljard.
Google services (search/youtube/network) steeg 5,5% naar $66,2 miljard en nog steeds grootste bijdrager van de omzet. Adverteerders zijn terughoudend om dure advertentiedollars uit te geven op andere/kleinere platformen die hun nut nog niet hebben bewezen.
Cloud groeide met 28% tot $8,1 miljard tegenover $7,75 miljard verwacht (Microsoft Azure groeide 26%). Cloud gaat dus nog steeds hard. Winst van $395 miljoen, marge van 5%. (veel interesse van klanten in de AI-infrastructuur van cloud)
Shorts kent inmiddels 2 miljard maandelijkse geregistreerde gebruikers tegenover 1,5 miljard een jaar eerder.
Ruth Porat, CFO sinds 2015, treedt af en gaat andere rol vervullen binnen het bedrijf (Other bets).
Veel AI-comments in de call. 80% van de adverteerders gebruikt minstens één AI-gedreven zoekproduct. Alphabet gaat AI implementeren in Gmail, Photo’s, Android.
Enkele vragen en antwoorden uit de earnings call:
Analist: “Sundar, I'd be curious to learn about some of your early learnings and surprises around consumer behavior on how people are using Bard versus Search. And what new behaviors or consumer utility are you most excited about as you think about what Gemini could provide for people over the course of the next year or so?”
CEO Sundar Pichai: “It's definitely early days, but both across Bard and Search Generative Experience, feedback has been very positive from our users. I think we are definitely now able to serve, I would say, deeper and broader information use cases, which is very exciting. I wouldn't say surprised. So for example, people are really using it to -- for coding, something we understood, but it's definitely on the new side. There's a lot of excitement around -- we integrated Google Lens into Bard. We have known how big Google Lens can be. We see that in the visual searches we get and how much it has grown over the last two years, and so we've been doing this for a while. But definitely, that, in Bard, has been super well received. So which gives me a sense that as -- given Gemini is being built from the ground up to be multimodal, I think that's an area that's going to excite users. When I go back many years ago when we did universal search, whenever, for users, we can abstract different content types and put them in a seamless way, they tend to receive it well. And so I'm definitely excited about what's ahead.”
Analist: “Curious, how do you think about timing for more broadly integrating generative AI into Search? And more specifically, what are some of the things you'll need to see to do that?”
Pichai: “Look, on the Search Generative Experience, we definitely wanted to make sure we're thinking deeply from first principles. While it's exciting new technology, we've constantly been bringing in AI innovations into Search for the past few years, and this is the next step in that journey. But it is a big change, so we thought about from first principles. It really gives us a chance to now not always be constrained in the way Search was working before, allowed us to think outside the box. And I see that play out in the Experience. So I would say we are ahead of where I thought we'd be at this point in time. The feedback has been very positive. We've just improved our efficiency pretty dramatically since the product launch. The latency has improved significantly. We are keeping a very high bar, and -- but I would say we are ahead on all the metrics in terms of how we look at it internally and so couldn't be more pleased with it. And so you will see us continue to bring it to more and more users. And over time, this will just be how Search works. And so while it's -- we are taking deliberate steps, we are building the next major evolution in Search, and I'm pleased with how it's going so far.”
Analist: “Just ask about the Cloud. It really looks like revenue growth stabilized despite optimization. So could you talk about the pipeline and the client wins in the quarter, how you felt about those? And then any uptick are you seeing related to AI spending in the total revenues this quarter or in the second half? Thank you.”
Pichai: “Thanks, Justin. Okay. It is an exciting moment overall in Cloud because there is definitely a lot of interest from customers on AI, and they definitely are engaging in many more conversations with us. So I would say, without commenting on the short term, but when I think about it long term, I view the AI opportunity as expanding our total addressable market and allows us to win new customers. Scale of investments that we can directly bring to cloud now. As I said earlier, we have over 80 models across Vertex, Enterprise Search and Conversational AI, and we are taking all of them, translating it into deep industry solutions. So, I'm excited about it.”
Analist: “Sundar, I think you spent over $100 billion on R&D over the past five years, and yet there's a narrative that it's so competitive and so expensive to compete going forward. Can you talk a bit about how you're visiting that R&D spend? Any near-term cadence updates you can give us for growth? And any factors that could change the growth going forward for research and development spending for you guys? Thanks.”
Pichai: “Look, maybe I can comment on the -- how we think about R&D. And look, if anything, I think two things. We are always committed to driving deep computer science research and innovation. That's the foundation on which the Company is built. And taking that and applying it and building new products and services and generating value is the virtuous cycle. And nothing changes in that fundamental thesis.We are definitely, both -- as Ruth mentioned, on AI investments, we are going to be committed to making sure we invest to realize the opportunity. But all the work we are doing on efficiency and optimization applies to -- on the AI side as well. And so we're bringing all that lens there so that we do this responsibly. But no overall changes in our philosophy or approach there. And maybe I'll let Philipp comment on the overall market dynamics.”
Eerdere analyse Alphabet is hier te lezen:
Visa Q3/2023

26 juli: Visa Q3/2023. Boven verwachting. Alles uitgaande van constante wisselkoers.
Omzetgroei van 13% tot $8,12 miljard ($8,06 miljard verwacht). Non-GAAP EPS groeide 11% tot $2.16 ($2,12 verwacht). Betaalvolume groeide 9%. Totale Transacties 8% tot $54 miljard. Gemiddelde ticketprijs 2% lager (brandstofprijzen). Cross-border steeg 22% cross-border travel steeg
CEO verwacht voor 2023 low double digit omzetgroei en ‘mid-teens’ EPS ondanks zorgen over vertragende economie en ongunstige wisselkoersen. Analistenverwachting Refinitiv ligt op 11% omzetgroei en 14,6% EPS.
Analyse Visa en Mastercard is hier te lezen:
Assa Abloy Q2/2023

19 juli: De oerdegelijke Zweedse slotenmaker Assa Abloy kwam vanochtend met prima kwartaalresultaten ondanks zwakke residentiële markt. Omzet steeg met 17%, maar een groot deel daarvan kwam van positieve valuta-effecten. Organisch groeide het bedrijf 3%. Inclusief overnames met 9%. Langetermijntarget van deze serial acquirer ligt op 5% organisch groei en 5% uit overnames (meer dan 300 overnames sinds 1994). Operationele winst nam met 25% toe tot een record van SEK 5500 M. Marge verbeterde van 15% naar 16%. In lijn met waar het management van de marktleider op mikt (marge exclusief overname HHI zelfs 16,7%).
Kone Q2/2023

20 juli: Ik besprak in maart het aandeel van de Finse liftenbouwer Kone op mijn blog. Kwaliteitsbedrijf, maar naar mijn idee te duur gelet op de onzekerheden in belangrijkste markt China.
Vandaag daalt het aandeel 6%, sterkste daling in tien maanden. Resultaten waren goed, maar werden overschaduwd door zwakke orders en China downgrade. Aandeel na daling nog steeds 24x verwachte winst. Indien 40 euro in zicht zou komen neem ik opnieuw een kijkje want je zult aan die prijs een haalbaar scenario kunnen schetsen met een rendementseis van 10%. Omzet +11%. Ex FX +16,1%. Aangepaste EBIT steeg 58,7% naar €332 miljoen. Analistenverwachting lag op €298 miljoen. Orders 6% onder verwachting. -12.8% tot EUR 2,28 miljard. Verwachting lag op 2,42 miljard. Omzet uit nieuwe installaties wordt, door marktomstandigheden in China, verwacht te krimpen tussen 10% en 15% in 2023, waar het management eerder nog rekende op 10%. Kone verwacht groei aan constante wisselkoersen tussen 3% en 6% voor 2023. Marge tussen 11% en 12%.
Analyse Kone is hier terug te lezen:
MIPS AB Q2/2023

20 juli: MIPS stelde opnieuw teleur, en management schuift de verwachte verbetering wederom een kwartaal voor zich uit. Aandeel openende fors lager, net als vorige kwartalen, maar wist doorheen de dag de schade te beperken. -6% momenteel.
Organische omzetdaling SEK 102 mio (-53% yoy) tegenover SEK 138 mio analistenverwachting. EBIT-marge 22,6% (2022: 51,7%) EPS SEK 0,76 (2022: SEK 3,01) Tweede kwartaal was slecht, zoals verwacht, wegens zwakke vraag uit de fietsindustrie, het belangrijkste segment van MIPS. Fietsretailers verlaagden hun voorraden tijdens het tweede kwartaal. Verwacht wordt dat tegen derde kwartaal voorraden bij retailers volledig genormaliseerd zullen zijn. Maar nog niet bij de klanten van MIPS: de fietshelmfabrikanten. Ze zijn terughoudender met nieuwe orders dan de voorgaande jaren. Dat betekent dat, ook al zijn er positieve signalen in het fietssegment, het effect op de omzet van MIPS vertraging zal oplopen. MIPS verkoopt immers aan de fabrikanten, niet aan eindgebruikers. Vorig jaar verwachte management een zwak eerste kwartaal. Vervolgens een zwak tweede kwartaal en nu ook een zwak derde kwartaal. 18 oktober 2022: ‘Op de korte termijn verwacht het management dat de markt (lees: het fietssegment) uitdagend blijft en verwacht dat het vierde kwartaal (2022) in lijn zal liggen met het zwakke derde kwartaal. Problemen zullen naar verwachting aanhouden tot en met het eerste kwartaal van 2023.’ 26 april 2023: ‘De CEO, en de sector in zijn geheel, verwacht dat licht herstel optreedt in het fietssegment in het tweede kwartaal. Al zal het waarschijnlijk opnieuw een zwak kwartaal worden. Groei wordt verwacht in de tweede jaarhelft.’ 20 juli 2023: CEO: ‘We schatten in dat het derde kwartaal uitdagend zal blijven, maar verwachten een sterker vierde kwartaal en dus groei voor de tweede helft van het jaar.’ Toch iets positiefs: de omzet is beter dan voor de pandemie (covid zorgde voor onhoudbare goede resultaten) en MIPS blijft marktaandeel pakken in al hun segmenten (fiets, motor, veiligheid). Belangrijk om op te merken dat er geen sprake is van minder vraag, maar terugkeer naar normaal na covid. CEO Max Strandwitz: “The first six months of the year have been challenging, and as we predicted we have seen a decrease in sales. We are nevertheless confident that nothing has substantially changed from a long-term perspective. We are convinced that we can continue to grow our share on a growing market. For that reason, we are still investing in our strategic growth initiatives. We have continued to implement record-high levels of new customer projects, and we look forward to launching many new helmet models in the coming years. Despite being challenged by external factors to a degree we have not seen in many years, I am convinced that we have the right strategy and organisation to drive profitable growth going forward. This means that our plan remains.” Voor eerdere updates en analyses van deze aandelen zie blog:
Adidas Q2/2023 (onofficieel)

25 juli: Adidas stijgt vandaag 7%. Management stelt verwachtingen voor rest van het jaar opwaarts bij. Omzet (zonder effect van valuta) Q2 vlak ten opzichte van vorig jaar. Brutomarge steeg tot 50.9% (50.3% in 2022). Operationele marge 3.3% (7% in 2022). Beter dan verwacht door de verkoop van een deel van de Yeezy-voorraad. Maar ook de onderliggende activiteiten ontwikkelden zich iets beter dan het management had verwacht. Daarom dat ook de outlook voor de rest van het jaar naar boven wordt bijgesteld. Omzet wordt nu verwacht om en bij 5% te krimpen waarop eerder nog gerekend werd op een krimp van richting 10%. Het operationeel verlies dit jaar schat het management nu op €450 miljoen. Eerder dit jaar werd rekening gehouden met €750 miljoen.
Adobe Q2/2023

15 juni: Omzet $4.82 mia tegenover $4.77 verwacht (10% groei jaar over jaar, 13% bij constante wisselkoers). Non-GAAP WPA $3.91 tegenover $3.79 verwacht. Doelstellingen voor het volledige boekjaar opwaarts bijgesteld. AI toepassingen geïntroduceerd in Acrobat, Express, Photoshop en Premiere Pro.
‘Users have now generated over half a billion assets on the Firefly website and in Photoshop, making these two of our most successful beta releases in company history’ Adobe CFO Dan Durn
Focus op de impact van generatieve AI en het afhandelen van de overname van Figma. Management verwacht de deal tegen eind 2023 af te ronden.
Vraag over FireFly tijdens earnings call: ‘Can you just add some context around early demand signals and how you're expecting this to show up both on the user side of the market and just the overall velocity of content generation?’
David Wadhwani: (…) "And we have seen incredible social buzz. The Photoshop community is doing what it always does and is using the product, both Firefly and Photoshop, in ways that we didn't even think of when we were initially building the feature set. So it's great to see all this organic development and buzz coming up.
And as we talked about, we're also excited about what this means from a business opportunity perspective. On the retention side, we think the value that we add in the flagship applications are going to be great for existing users. In terms of top of funnel, we think that this helps us reach billions of new users because it makes the act of creating more accessible with regard to conversion. We are very excited about what this can mean for new user onboarding, both Photoshop and Illustrator and also in Express that makes the onboarding of new customers especially early success far more achievable for them.
It introduces new offers with as a destination that we can monetize and everything that we talked about at Summit last week around what this can be as an enterprise-grade offering. And of course, with all of this, we have an opportunity to sell subscription credit packs for upsell opportunities. So if you net all that out, we see an ARPU opportunity. We see a net number of users opportunity, and also because of retention, an LTV opportunity.
Now we expect all of this to play out over many years. We're very focused right now on user acquisition. None of this, we expect to impact our Q3 numbers. And we'll start to see some of it in Q4 but we don't expect it to be material. But as I mentioned, we expect to see it ramp over the next few years. And we'll share more specifics of this in the months ahead."
Nike Q4/2023

29 juni: Q4: Omzet $12,8 miljard tegenover $12,59 miljard verwacht. WPA $0,66 tegenover $0,67 verwacht.
Omzet steeg 5% (8% ex FX), zwakste groei in 4 kwartalen omdat groothandel voorzichtig werd met plaatsen van nieuwe orders gezien moeilijke macro-economische omstandigheden.
China herstelt met 25% groei na drie kwartalen van omzetdalingen als gevolg van het zero covid beleid.
Fiscaal jaar 2023: Omzet: +10% (16% ex FX). Brutomarge daalde met 140 basispunten tot 43,6% (2022: 46%) in een poging van de overtollige voorraad af te geraken (promoties).
Operationele marge: 11,5% belastingtarief: 18,2%. Nopat marge 9,4%. Capital turnover 3,66x. Operationele ROIC: 35%.
CEO John Danahoe: “We return to healthy inventory ahead of our competition. Our inventory is flat year-over-year in value and down in units versus 12 months ago. The actions we've taken position us for more profitable growth moving forward. Across our business, we continue to build a marketplace that addresses how consumers want to be served giving them what they want, when they want it, and how they want it.”
Outlook 2024:
Q1 outlook onder analistenverwachting en reden van daling koers nabeurs. Amerikaanse consument is voorzichtig en bespaart op sneakers en sportartikelen.
Omzetverwachting fiscaal jaar 2024: mid-single-digits (aangevuurd door Nike Direct). (Eerste kwartaal: flat-to-low single digits)
Brutomarge: verbetering van 140 tot 160 basispunten (200 ex FX)
Danahoe: “the marketplace remains highly promotional. And when we step back and look at the actions that we took last year, we're very happy with where we finished the year. In fact, our inventory levels are ahead of our plan and ahead of the competition. We saw total marketplace inventory units down versus the prior year. And when we look at NIKE-owned inventory in particular, we feel incredibly good about where we are and the plans that we have going into the first half of next year.”
“And so, we feel great about where we are, but we recognize that next year, the environment is going to continue to be promotional and that even puts pressure on our wholesale partners in terms of how they think about managing through the first half of the year.”
Groeivooruitzichten voor boekjaar 2024 vallen tegen. Geen structureel probleem, maar een cyclisch probleem. Voor mij geen grote verrassing dat in deze omgeving de groeivooruitzichten niet zijn wat we van Nike verwachten. Mij blijft vooral het herstel in China bij (boycots..?) en de vooruitgang met de voorraad bij.
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